Intervention Package 3

Enhancing ASEAN Agrobiodiversity Use and Landscape Biodiversity


Agriculture, fisheries, and forest biodiversity (agrobiodiversity) are critical to global food and nutrition security, ecosystem service provision and agroecosystem resilience. Effective agrobiodiversity management is central to agri-food systems transformation, yet the ASEAN region continues losing agrobiodiversity and associated traditional knowledge at an alarming rate, e.g., loss of traditional rice varieties in AMS. There are no comprehensive agrobiodiversity research programs, information and knowledge is scattered, and there are limited ongoing regional agrobiodiversity baseline data assessments or monitoring systems. Within AMS, there is scant understanding of agrobiodiversity and how its use can promote food and nutrition security, climate-resilience, nature-positive solutions, sustainable and circular agriculture, and carbon neutrality.

Drivers creating these downward trends include inappropriate land management, urbanization and land degradation, large-scale trade, market-preference changes, and moving away from traditional diets.


Reports emphasize the loss of agrobiodiversity and genetic resources in the ASEAN, endangering local varieties and indigenous species due to reliance on high-yield varieties and exotic organisms. IP3 aims to conserve and sustainably use agrobiodiversity, strengthening regional cooperation and implementing biodiversity and agriculture objectives. It will contribute to food, climate, and biodiversity goals through strategies such as enhancing biodiversity and soil health, reducing agrochemical inputs, and promoting responsible investment in agriculture. The IP3 will align with ASEAN guidelines and commitments to drive positive change.


IP3 aims to diversify sustainable production, improve diets and nutrition, boost incomes and livelihoods, and help develop more resilient landscapes for the benefit of populations in the ASEAN region, via enhancing research, knowledge-generation, capacity, policies and actions that safeguard and harness the use of agrobiodiversity.


Main activities


IP3 will be guided by gender mainstreaming approaches and guidelines on responsible investment in agriculture. Key beneficiaries include regional institutions, governments, NGOs, universities, and private sector actors. It aims to promote agrobiodiversity conservation through knowledge sharing, policy integration, and value-chain interventions, benefiting researchers, practitioners, farmers, and the wider community.

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