Intervention Package 2
Climate Neutrality and Circular Agriculture
Long coastlines, land subsidence, and human activities in AMS increase flooding and saline intrusion threats. Heatwaves and extreme weather events also pose risks to agriculture. Globally, agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) contribute to 23% of GHG emissions, with ASEAN generating 14% of crop-related emissions despite emitting only 3.5% of total GHGs. Conversion of forest and carbon-rich soils to agriculture in the region drives these emissions and impacts vital ecosystem services. Rice fields alone produce 48% of cropland emissions due to methane. AMS countries committed to reducing methane emissions by 30% by 2030. Terrestrial ecosystems act as carbon sinks, but current linear agriculture models reliant on chemicals are unsustainable and vulnerable to availability and price constraints. Circular agriculture in ASEAN can enhance sustainability, reduce GHGs, and promote self-reliance. Global investments in climate-change mitigation offer opportunities for ASEAN's transition to a circular economy.
The Vision and Strategic Plan for ASEAN Cooperation in Food, Agriculture, and Forestry aims to promote climate-smart agriculture, land use, and fisheries based on nature-based solutions. The ASEAN State of Climate Change Report advocates for a long-term climate change mitigation strategy to guide policy planning and achieve the goals of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement. The report suggests the establishment of an ASEAN-wide vision and targets to encourage more ambitious emission reduction measures and establish a level playing field. This IP will support ASEAN in achieving net-zero emissions and transitioning to a sustainable circular agricultural economy.
IP2 aims to enhance land sinks and reduce GHGs and the carbon footprint across ASEAN agri-food systems through low-emissions landscape and waterscape management, greater use of nature-based solutions, and reduced food losses in agricultural value chains (AVCs). The goal is also to valorize agricultural residues and strengthen intra- and inter-sectoral integration to close nutrient loops.
Accelerated and more effective Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation and monitoring
Sustainable production system climate finance models implemented at scale
Integration of gender and social dimensions into a climate-neutral circular agricultural economy
Innovative digital solutions for enabling climate-neutral circular agriculture/aquaculture developed and adopted
Evidence-based legislative framework for climate-neutral circular agricultural economy enabled in all AMS
Main activities
Life-cycle analysis of the top ten agricultural and aquacultural commodity value chains in the ASEAN region to identify key interventions with high GHG mitigation potential and the least environmental and social impact
Provide support for implementing identified NDC actions in the AFOLU sector and identify no-regret opportunities for enhancing the AFOLU’s contribution in future NDCs whilst demonstrating adaptation co-benefits
Build evidence base for AFOLU actions to reduce GHG emissions and sequester carbon
Integration of gender and social dimensions into a climate-neutral circular agricultural economy
IP2 will be implemented in at least 6 ASEAN member states, guided by gender mainstreaming approaches and regional guidelines on sustainable agriculture. Direct beneficiaries, including farmers and stakeholders in food value chains, will benefit from new technologies and practices promoting sustainability. This will boost incomes, food security, and environmental health in the ASEAN region, benefitting millions of people, including women.
For more information, please contact:
Bjoern Ole Sander
Intervention Package 2 Convener
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Kazuki Saito
Intervention Package 2 Co-convener